Today, We will be talking about the Automation Bias 🖨.
What is it?
The bias which occurs when you make decisions based on automated environment rather than actually pondering over the issues.
Example -
We utilise GPS for navigation more than we used to before.
Even though it might not always show the best route!
Where does it occur?
In our modern world many decisions are made by computer programs rather than by humans.
Therefore, since humans do not think like computers and use human criteria, they will make "errors" (or decisions that are not the same as a computer) or miss errors the automated programs commit. [1]
Why do I need to know?
One good use case of the bias is that in those adverse situations or in stress, we tend to take those path which are relatively easier to travel with minimum resistance.
This often leads us to outsource decision-making and discretion to automated systems.
The ongoing debates with AI is good or not, is more important than you think.
Simulate real-world applications as much as possible when building algorithms.
References & Studies:-
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