This is the 96th edition of this newsletter!
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Let’s learn about Avolition 🧠 today.
What is it?
Avolition is used to describe a significant lack of motivation or a pronounced inability to complete purposeful tasks.
It is a behavioral symptom rather than a mental health condition.
Examples of Avolition can be,
The inability to start or complete paying bills even when urgent
Ignoring incoming phone calls, letters, or emails
Failing to make or follow up with an important appointment [1]
Where does it occur?
While most associated with schizophrenia, avolition can also be associated with:
Bipolar disorder, Depression, Alzheimer’s disease.
Avolition can also be caused by a lack of mental stimulation or solitary confinement, such as the experiences of those who are incarcerated, especially when they’re incarcerated for a long time.
Why do I need to know?
Avolition is considered a negative symptom of schizophrenia. A negative symptom is simply the absence of an emotion, a thought, or a behavior that might otherwise be expected.
It is not something that comes and goes but rather something that is characteristic, occurring either chronically or in protracted episodes. [1]
While I am not an expert here, I believe going outside & socialising is the minimum way to avoid such problems from happening. Especially, in this “remote” era, a lot of people can feel mental toll on them by staying at home all the time.
Please consult a doctor if you feel the need.
References & Studies: -
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