You know one of those days where you just cannot focus on things at work? How so much you could try but your brain is just not working?
This could be because of Brain Fog.
What is it?
Brain fog is often described as slow thinking, difficulty focusing, confusion, lack of concentration, forgetfulness, or a haziness in thought processes. It is not fully understood yet. [1]
While it is not a diagnosable medical condition, but a term often used to describe a variety of symptoms including difficulty with:
Learning new skills.
Recalling information and words.
Handling periods of multitasking.
Thinking and responding quickly.
Focusing and maintaining clear thought.
Following conversations and paying attention.
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What do I need to know?
While it is normal to experience some fuzziness when you are sleep deprived, taking certain medications, jet-lagged, or pregnant, experiencing brain fog for longer than a few days (or months, in the case of pregnancy) may be a sign of a serious medical condition.
Finally, some patients have found improvements in brain fog symptoms with some home remedies and lifestyle changes.
Actionable Insights
These include:
Avoiding common distractions.
Establishing a strong support system.
Stress-reducing practices, such as meditation and yoga.
Learning personal limits and respecting them to avoid feelings of burnout.
Using reminders, including diaries, calendars, Post-it notes, cell phone alerts, and lists.
Learning when cognitive skills are sharpest and completing important tasks during those times.
Keeping a food log and paying attention to whether eating certain foods has an effect on cognitive function.
Playing mind strengthening games, such as word or matching games, puzzles, and crosswords.
References & Studies: -
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