Hey Reader,
Today I want to tell you about this research of Bullshit Receptivity Scale.
Also, what do you think about the last two studies? Let me know your thoughts.
Bullshit Receptivity Scale
The Bullshit Receptivity Scale (BSR) was created to study how people respond to and detect meaningless or "pseudo-profound" statements.
The BSR was developed based on 10 meaningless statements that were created by randomly combining words from websites called "The Wisdom of Chopra" and "The New Age Bullshit Generator."
The BSR was then expanded to include 30 items in a second study, with 10 additional meaningless statements from the same websites and 10 statements from Deepak Chopra's Twitter feed.
What do I need to know?
Across multiple studies, it was found that people who are more likely to believe "bullshit" statements as profound tend to have certain characteristics, such as an intuitive cognitive style and belief in the supernatural.
On the other hand, people's beliefs about more conventional profound or mundane statements did not seem to be related to these characteristics.
The results also suggest that a tendency to accept statements as true may play a role in a person's receptivity to pseudo-profound bullshit.
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