Today, We will be talking about the Default Bias .
What is it?
Plethora of choices leads us to inaction paralysis. Thus, we go with the “default option” which can be due to a number of factors.
Example -
In one study, when forced to choose a supplementary pension fund, people will decide not to decide, accepting decisions made for them by others (default bias), reaching a status quo position. [1]
Where does it occur?
In the processes involving rational decision making, we are biased in the hindsight by some of the following factors which we may or may not account :-
Lack of expertise in the subject
Therefore, it makes you and the majority of the us, go with the default option which has been presented to us.
Why do I need to know?
Richard Thaler, behavioural economist and co-author of the bestselling book ‘Nudge’ says “The combination of loss aversion with mindless choosing implies that if an option is designated as the “default”, it will attract a large market share. Default options thus act as powerful nudges.” [2]
There is highly-likely a chance that people will go with “Default option” if you have one, in your product or services.
References & Studies:-
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