Today, We will be talking about Halo Effect 💫.

What is it?
Our tendency to judge someone’s characteristics by their first impression interpreted by us.
Example -
We might assume that just because someone is attractive, they are also smart, intelligent and possess other amazing traits which might’ve not been warranted.
Where does it occur?
Because it is a type of Cognitive Bias, It will happen in your mind when you meet new people or learn to know about something from others.
Physical appearance is often a major part of the halo effect. People who are considered attractive tend to be rated higher on other positive traits as well. [1]
Why do I need to know?
Our brain builds a character of a person based on what information we have received from the outside world about them. Thus, it becomes integral to not judge on early basis and figure out the actual perception.
And it’s not limited to people. Brands, products can also be influential to create a persona which appears all positive.
Now, It might make sense why apple is doing all this to save environment. Because of the impression it will create on us. What do you think?
If you have the chance, Find other perspectives i.e. ask different people about the same thing. See, how they differ in opinion and how it affects your image formation of that thing.
Talk with others and try to see things from a different perspective. It always works!
References & Studies:-
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