Have you ever been so lost in performing an activity that you don’t recall the lapsing of time around you? And maybe it helped you to excel?
That’s a state of flow. Let’s learn how to master it to 10x your productivity.
📣 Before you begin
Revolutionary Character is a six-month online program designed to empower you to take action and evolve toward your own objectives and ideals.
You meet weekly in diverse groups of 6 - 8 like-minded individuals to foster deep connections and support each other.
Applications are open for 2024. Act fast to get a spot in the upcoming January cohort.
Accelerate your growth by booking a free coaching session with the founder!
What is it?
The flow state, also known as being 'in the zone,' is a mental state where an individual is fully immersed in an activity, resulting in a heightened focus and a profound enjoyment in the process of the activity.
It's a state of peak performance and productivity - a state that everyone can achieve.
Mastering the flow state is important for optimal productivity and performance. It allows you to tap into your highest potential and achieve extraordinary results in whatever you do, be it work, sports, or creative pursuits.
What do I need to know?
Mastering the flow state involves understanding and navigating through its five stages:
Struggle: This is the initial stage where you're pushing your limits and facing challenges.
Release: Here, you let go of the conscious effort, allowing your subconscious mind to take over.
Flow: This is the optimal state where you're fully immersed and 'in the zone.'
Recovery: After the flow state, you need time to rest and recharge.
Repeat: With practice, you can enter the flow state more frequently and easily.
You can also use a Chrome extension to trigger your “Flow State” with a simple timer.