Moving forward with Psych...
This email is regarding a request from you that can help us grow together.
Hey Reader,
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share something truly inspiring with you that I've recently become a part of.
This email newsletter recently crossed 3 years. At the core, the mission is to empower individuals (like you and me) to become better humans.
The belief is that the wisdom of psychology & accessible resources can unlock the potential for peak performance in everyone.
So, what’s being done for this?
Explaining Psychology with this newsletter and now also, in image / video format. (For the visual learners out there :)
Building engaging tools to help more individuals to learn.
LearnPsychology - Comprehensive resource to dive deeper into Psychology.
FlowStateTraining - Chrome Extension to Trigger your Productivity.
For now, the vision is clear:
1. Help 10,000 individuals become peak performers.
2. Help these individuals to not only achieve peak performance but also gain mental clarity through psychology and master the elusive state of flow.
I'm really excited about this journey, and I believe in the positive impact we can make together.
Would you be kind enough to share the newsletter with your friends?
Together, we can grow, learn, and help those around us reach their full potential.
Thank you for considering this, and I look forward to your response!
Best regards,
P.S. If you want to contribute/tag along in this journey, please feel free to reach out :)
If ya ever need any math or coding help ... lemme know!
I've really enjoyed ur newsletter over the past couple years 😁
Would love to do mutual recommendations to help both of us grow?