In this email, we talk about Negative Bias 😞.
What is it?
Our brain’s tendency where negative instances tend to be more influential than comparably positive ones.
Example -
Let’s say, you got bit by a dog when you were a child.
Now, whenever you see a cute puppy, your first intention is to stay away from it because of that experience of pain you remember having in childhood.
Where does it occur?
We have a general tendency to weigh negative events in life more than the positive and happy ones.
Earlier in human history, paying attention to bad, dangerous, and negative threats in the world was literally a matter of life and death. Those who were more attuned to danger and who paid more attention to the bad things around them were more likely to survive. [3]
The evolutionary perspective suggests that this tendency to dwell on the negative more than the positive is simply one way the brain tries to keep us safe. [3]
Why do I need to know?
If you are dwelling on the past and the negative events, you are most likely going to waste a lot of your time which can be productive or utilised in a good place.
Although, Taking lessons is a good thing but dwelling is just not worth it.
You need to take your mind off from negative events. Do activities which make you happy or change your thinking.
Talk with others and try to see things from a different perspective.
References & Studies:-
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