Hey, there.
Today, we will be talking about the Omission Bias.
What is it?
Your tendency to do nothing in some situations rather than doing something.
Examples -
When you don’t want to leave the job but you absolutely hate it.
A real-world example is when parents decide not to vaccinate their children because of the potential chance of death—even when the probability the vaccination will cause death is much less likely than death from the disease prevented.
Where does it occur?
In general life, in situations which involve taking decisions or actions which can lead to favourable or unfavourable outcomes.
Why do I need to know?
As told in examples, this bias causes you to fall victim to the bias yourself. In some scenarios, 90% of the time you will know the outcome but however, you will prefer inaction due to the fear of the other 10%.
Takeaways: -
Omission Bias can lead you to confirm yourself to inactions more than taking actions.
There can be multiple reasons for not taking action. Be aware of all the positives, negatives and then evaluate.
References & Studies: -
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