Today, We will be talking about the Optimism Bias 😯.
What is it?
Your tendency to think that your chances of failing are less and the chances to succeed are probably high.
Example -
A research was conducted by Seaward and Kemp and here’s a short summary:-
“A survey of 230 psychology students revealed that they underestimated the time they thought they would need to pay back the student debt and overestimated their future incomes relative to the average student.” [1]
Where does it occur?
It always links back to our mind and our biological brain processes. One might say that it occurs because we want to control our lives, our fate and hence, it just happens in our daily lives.
Why do I need to know?
Having too much positive optimism can lead you to not have an overall view of a certain aspect.
Sometimes, You do need to take a look at the things from a bird’s eye view.
Logical and Practical thinking might not favor your decision but it will prove to be helpful in the long run.
Look at things from an outside view, break it down to core to thoroughly analysis before making a decision.
References & Studies:-
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