Hey reader,
Guess who is guilty for procrastinating & not completing all the goals that were set out to complete this year?
You & I.
What is it?
This study explores an intriguing question:
How does the perception of how long a task will take influence people's decision to either complete it right away or delay it?
The research delves into the often-underestimated impact of considering task duration on task delay, a common behavior where people postpone tasks, sometimes indefinitely.
Although it's widely used to highlight that a task can be completed swiftly, the empirical evidence supporting this strategy is surprisingly limited.
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What do I need to know?
The findings from four different studies reveal a fascinating insight into human behavior.
When the time required to finish a task is made explicit and salient, individuals are less likely to postpone short tasks that can be accomplished in a single sitting.
Essentially, when people recognize that a task won't take much of their time, they're more inclined to tackle it promptly.
This phenomenon occurs because the consideration of task duration enhances the "implemental mindset," which is the mindset of getting things done.
However, this effect is most pronounced when individuals have information that allows them to evaluate the task duration accurately.
These results provide a practical and straightforward approach to boost customer engagement and prompt task completion while also opening up avenues for further research in this domain.