Good Morning,
Today, We are discussing about Overconfidence 😏.
What is it?
Sometimes, we all are a little too confident about our abilities which leads us to take greater risks in our lives.
While it is a great thing, but not all the time. The results you desire might not turn out well.
Example -
We have so-called “experts” or “gurus” online who can show how you can make $10,000 in this weekend with just a nEaT LiTtLe TrIcK.
Also, those who excessively use the emoji 😎. (Right?)
Where does it occur?
Every one of us show it at times but won’t admit it. Even to test this idea, I did a poll on Twitter asking the question,
You will always be able to foresee overconfidence in others but when it comes to yourself, see what the results said. People did NOT consider themselves smarter than average.
Why do I need to know?
The bias of Overconfidence pushes us to take more risks, which may or may not play out as expected.
Most of us are aware of the consequences which can happen if we take something lightly. Having “enough” confidence and being self-aware in the situation is the key.
Be more self-aware in the moment to NOT be overconfident.
Do not make decisions in such situations but that doesn’t mean to hesitate from taking risks as well.