Let’s learn about the Peak-end Rule today. 🗻
What is it?
When evaluating an experience, people do not recall details in every moment they experienced. People mainly recall what happened and how they felt at the peak and the end of the event. [1]
Examples -
We remember experiences in our lives as a series of snapshots rather than a complete catalogue of events.
Like do you remember the last vacation you had? What comes up in your mind?
Where does it occur?
The most emotionally intense points of an experience and the end of that experience are heavily weighted in how we remember an event.
The peak is the time when they had the strongest emotion. Our feelings at the peak and the end of the event decide what people generally feel about an experience. [1]
Why do I need to know?
This bias is very much associated with your memory and recalling. Because it is anchored with peak points, one thing that you can take in account is also that these peak points can be positive as well as negative.
Takeaways: -
People will remember the ONE good/bad thing out of all the rest happened.
To avoid, try to reframe the situations and focus more on the positive aspects.
References & Studies: -
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