Today, We will be talking about the Pessimism Bias 😠.
What is it?
When your tendency is to overestimate the possibility of negative events whereas underestimate the likelihood of positive events.
It is a defense mechanism for disappointment.
Example -
A study done in 1987 by Alloy and Ahrens found that participants were more likely to expect others to succeed rather than fail, however this was less likely to be the case among depressed individuals.
Despite everyone being provided with the same contextual information, people with depression were also less likely to forecast future personal success! [1]
Where does it occur?
You can notice it in your personal nature or maybe in some certain events. This goes in parallel to the Optimism Bias which I have also covered before. [2]
The constant fear of disappointment and loss holds you back from opportunities and gives the way to pessimism.
Why do I need to know?
As mentioned, the bias can hold you back from achieving desired outcomes that are more attainable than you may believe.
Of course, being a little pessimist doesn’t hurt but that should not be a measure of greater value to stop you from taking risk.
Being logical in your decision making process is more optimal option.
A person can show both Optimism and Pessimism nature.
References & Studies:-
https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1987-15564-001 [Study]
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