Let us discuss about Placebo Effect 🔮.
What is it?
When simply believing that something will have a certain effect on you causes it to have that effect.
Example -
In medicine, People given fake pills often experience the same physiological effects as people given the real thing.
It might’ve happened with you too. Have you noticed it?
Where does it occur?
You can notice the effect when someone is recommending you something because it gave them or made them achieve something.
Just because it is said that “successful” people wake up earlier, doesn’t mean that you should also start waking up earlier as it will make you successful.
While it is a good habit, you also need to put in the hardwork.
Why do I need to know?
You should know about it because a lot of the times in marketing, this phenomenon is used to impact our minds to make us believe in false facts.
Just because it worked out for them, doesn’t mean it will for you too but blinding believing might make you.
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