Hello Reader,
The other day I found this interesting thing about how Astrology is co-linked with Psychology.
I did some more digging and sharing the findings of a study performed.
What is it?
This study[¹] investigated the role of astrology in self-concept verification and coping with negative life-events.
Forty students in elementary courses of astrology, psychology, & German language rated their certainty about 20 self-describing attributes and three assumptions related to the self.
The subjects were also asked to mark whether and how many times they had experienced particular crises and traumatic events.
Participation in an astrology course, but not in psychology or German courses, verified the participant's self-concept by increasing certainty of the self-descriptive attributes and the assumptions of self-control and perceived luck.
In addition, interest in astrology was positively correlated with the number of personal crises, but not with the number of past traumatic events. The motivational mechanisms underlying astrological beliefs and the enormous popularity of astrology are discussed.
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Why do I need to know?
First hypothesis of this study says that astrological insights verified self-concept. They found that astrology not only appeals when uncertainty is experienced, but the astrological information also verifies the self beliefs and helps in reducing the negative thoughts associated with uncertainty. How cool is that?
There is more to the hypothesis which I recommend you to explore further if interested.
References & Studies: -
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