Hey, there.
Today, we will be talking about the Puritanical Bias.
What is it?
The tendency to attribute cause of an undesirable outcome or wrongdoing by an individual to a moral deficiency or lack of self-control rather than taking into account the impact of broader societal determinants.
Example -
An example might be, "These people sit around all day in their apartments on welfare watching TV, but won't take the time to get out and find a job!"
In this case, a selection of persons might have existed for some time under dire economic and/or socially oppressive circumstances, but individuals from that selection have been cognitively dis-empowered by these circumstances to decide or act on decisions to obtain a given goal. [1]
Where does it occur?
It is one of the cognitive biases which takes place in general nature of humans & in lot of scenarios requiring evaluation.
Why do I need to know?
This bias can closely be linked with our ability to judge things without evaluating the circumstances fully.
Takeaways: -
Understand that you have a natural tendency to judge things.
References & Studies: -
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