Today we are discussing about Salience 👀.
What is it?
Salience is our tendency to focus on most easily recognizable features of a person or a concept.
Example -
When you think about dying, you might worry about being mauled by a lion, as opposed to what is statistically more likely, for example, a car accident.
Where does it occur?
Salience Bias occurs when we base our decisions on factors that appear most salient.
Like when you are sleeping at night and hear a loud sound, which may startle you.
Why do I need to know?
You make hundreds of decisions every day and not all of them are going to play well, down the line. You need to be aware and present as this bias mostly occurs during that time.
It can affect your decision making abililty. Being aware is one of the way to overcome salience bias.
If you are aware of the consequences of making a decision, you are more likely to make a smart decision.
People are more likely to buy what you are selling if you are engaging emotionally or have something, which stands out.