Do you have a theory that you abide by? I like reading theories from people and places.
Here’s one we are going to talk about.
What is it?
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a psychological framework that focuses on human motivation and personality.
Developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, SDT posits that people are driven by a need to grow and gain fulfillment.
It emphasizes three core psychological needs: autonomy (control over one's own actions), competence (effectiveness in one's activities), and relatedness (connection with others).
When these needs are satisfied, individuals experience enhanced motivation, well-being, and performance.
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What do I need to know:
Understanding and applying Self-Determination Theory can significantly enhance motivation, well-being, and performance, making it a valuable framework in educational, workplace, and personal contexts.
Famous Applications of SDT:
Google's 20% Time: Google allows employees to spend 20% of their time working on projects they are passionate about. This policy supports autonomy and competence, leading to innovations like Gmail and Google News.
Atlassian's 'FedEx Days': Atlassian, a software company, encourages employees to work on any project they choose for 24 hours. This promotes autonomy and often results in creative solutions and products.
Daniel Pink's Advocacy: Daniel Pink, author of "Drive," uses SDT principles to argue that autonomy, mastery (competence), and purpose (relatedness) are key motivators in the modern workplace.
Hey Vaibhav, this is a great post! Very concise and talks about something I felt like I knew, but could never put a name to (self-determination theory). I feel like the autonomy part of it is super important. It gives that extra motivation to follow your curiosity! Thank you for posting this! Your newsletter is awesome by the way! Just subscribed!