Have you every had those instances where you try to remember a specific word and feel like it’s almost on your tip of the tongue but you just cannot get it?
There’s actually a phenomenon around it called Lethalogica.
What is it?
A feeling that accompanies the temporary inability to retrieve information from memory. It is also called the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
Researchers believe that a number of factors may play a role, although the exact processes are not entirely clear.
Tip-of-the-tongue events are more likely to happen when people are tired, although other features of memory such as how well the information was encoded and the presence of any interfering memories can also have an influence. [1]
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What do I need to know?
Some interesting things that researchers have discovered: [1]
The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is universal. Surveys suggest that around 90% of speakers of different languages from all over the world report experiencing moments where memories seem momentarily inaccessible.
These moments occur quite often and this frequency increases with age. Young people typically have tip-of-the-tongue moments about once each week, while older adults find that they may occur as often as once each day.
People often remember partial bits of information. For example, they may remember the letter the word they are searching for begins with or the number of syllables the word contains.
References & Studies: -
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