In the last month, Apple Watch Series 8 was unveiled which has a temperature sensor that can help women to keep track of ovulation. There’s also crash detection.
But have you ever wondered how effective are such wearable devices for medical health?
Here’s an interesting study!
What is it?
The objective for this study was the rapid growth of the wearable healthcare device market, we examined the associations among health-related and technology-related characteristics of using wearable healthcare devices and demonstrated how the associations differ between the US and Korean users.
Online self-administered surveys were conducted with 4098 participants (3035 in the US and 1063 in Korea) who were recruited through two online survey service providers based on quota sampling.
The primary outcome was the use of wearable healthcare devices. Seven health-related, two technology-related, and five socio-demographic factors were included as explanatory variables.
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What do I need to know?
The health-related characteristics that were significantly associated with using wearable healthcare devices included disease-related worries, health information seeking, physical activity, and health-related expenditures.
Younger, higher earner, and individuals with a child were more likely to use wearable healthcare devices.
However, for Korean users, several associations disappeared including health information seeking, hedonic and social innovativeness, age, and household income.
Key drivers of using wearable healthcare devices include greater concern about a specific illness, active engagement in health-promoting behaviors, and hedonic and social motivation to adopt new technologies.
However, more country-specific considerations are needed in future studies to identify the main benefits for target markets.
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