Hey, YOU.
My name is Vaibhav Dwivedi and I love Psychology. Whether it is about social psychology, Behavioural Economics or Psychology, in general.

I believe there is a LOT to learn from Psychological phenomenons, Biases which are present around us and we are taking in, subconsciously.
For example,
Anchoring Bias
People are over-reliant on the first piece of information they hear. It acts as an "anchor" for all the upcoming related data, which affects your judgement!
Sounds interesting, right?
So, Why should YOU read it? Well, If you are:
A Businessman
Some Marketing Guy
A Consumer
Human of Earth
You need it. Knowing psychological information will make you,
Better in Decision-making
Are you up for short psychological insights, ready to be delivered in your emails?
In the meantime, tell your friends!